My transfer today went well. Both embryos survived the thaw. One was a grade 1.5, the other a 2.0. The 2.0 wasn't fully re-expanded in this picture. I've tried to stay fairly horizontal today, but I've been up to the bathroom a lot. The transfer was very uncomfortable, just because of my bladder. I even relieved myself a little 3 times before the transfer began, but I obviously drank too much water.
I have my beta on April 24th. I don't know if I will POAS before then. I'm terrified of the answer. But for now, for today, I am pregnant with two little babies. Stick little babies, stick.
Awesome!!!! Glad that everything went well and that you are home safe and sound. be good to yourself and your embryos...they've been through a lot. :)
I started praying for your embies yesterday (because I have no idea how they thaw them, or when they would start that), and I thought about you & prayed for you throughout the day today. I was even surprised this evening, when Steve was saying a pre-dinner prayer, and he mentioned you, your family, and your babies. I had told him that today was the day, and I know that he knew it was on my mind, but I didn't imagine that it was on his. I guess you have more people thinking about you than you even realize.
I hope that the next nine days pass quickly. I can't imagine how hard the waiting is. At least T's birthday will fall during that time, and hopefully provide some distraction. (Not that there will be one second when you won't be thinking about the babies in some part of your mind, but at least you get to celebrate the life of your first baby while you're waiting.)
Take care of yourself, and rest your body...even if your mind refuses to rest right now. I hope you know how loved you, R, T, and the babies are. You are in my prayers, and close to my heart, as always.
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