Friday, August 10, 2007

Back to Work

I survived my first two days back to work. I had some momentary dizziness today, but it passed after about half an hour. The big problem now is that I started having hot flashes today. I had a couple of little ones last week but they were so mild I could tell myself that I wasn't really having hot flashes. But today there was NO doubt what they were. And I feel really angry about it. I knew they were probably going to happen, Dr. Hofmann told me over and over (and over) about the risks. But I am still angry. I'm 27 and I don't want to deal with menopause. I know I am having a very immature mentality about it, but I just don't wanna. I called to get into my local gyn doc today to discuss HRT options and they can't see me until Sept And I called our local county children's services to ask for info about adoption through fostering on Monday and have not heard back from her yet. And that makes me angry!!!! I see a trend here :)
I really have been praying about all of this and praying for patience. I hope I can get myself together soon.

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